Germany vs. Greece |
Anyone following the vitriol which has been spewed in the Greek and German media towards each respective country these past two years can't help but be intrigued by a possible matchup of the two Eurozone debt crisis antagonists on the football pitch.
Will Angela Merkel extend an olive branch and invite Greece's newly elected 'Sexy Alexis' Tsipras to share the spectators box at the match? Will tempers fueled by 2+ years of economic depression and feelings of being cheated and bullied boil over amongst the players? Would a lopsided German victory serve to further engrain in the Greek psyche the notion of a German-dominated Europe?
Or, more optimistically, will sport -- in its unique role in our society -- do what it does when it's at its best and serve as a means to bring disagreeing peoples together to help form the basis for a constructive way forward in the Eurozone crisis?
A more pressing question is how would Greece's advance to the quarterfinals affect tomorrow's national election? One can imagine the euphoria from victory over Russia working in favor of status quo parties such as New Democracy, which appear to have positioned themselves as more pro-Europe, and against protest parties like Syriza, which have benefitted from a frustrated, angry electorate.
If the matchup between Greece and Germany happens it would take place on Friday 22 June at 19:45 GMT.
Update: Greece did their part, beating Russia 1-0. Now if Germany can win Group B tomorrow we'll have our showdown.