Saturday, December 24

Recapping The PolyCapitalist's 2011 Predictions

For those keeping score three topics I made 2011 forecasts on were:
  1. Rise of Android
  2. China's bubble
  3. U.S. Housing
On Android, the verdict is in:

The U.S. housing market officially double dipped in May and then continued to fall, so that call looks correct as well.

The China prediction is a bit murkier, but here are some points worth noting:
  • The Hang Seng and Shanghai stock markets are in a bear market and down roughly 20% for the year, or 30% since May. From its peak in 2008 Shanghai is off 60%.
  • Housing prices are softening quickly; in Beijing new home prices dropped 35% in November alone.
  • Coastal cities such as Wenzhou and Ordos appear to be experiencing a credit crisis with reports of businessmen leaping off rooftops.
  • Hot money appears to be flowing out of the country: China's $3.2 trillion in foreign reserves have been falling for three months despite a trade surplus.
Things aren't shaping up too well for China or trade relations with the U.S. in 2012 either. For more on this see herehere, here and here.

Overall, does 2.5 out of 3 predictions sound about right?

Two more quick ones: bullishness on gold has been a steady theme since starting this blog in May 2010. And how did gold do in 2011? Despite the autumn selloff gold priced in U.S. dollars has returned around 10%. Not too shabby given that the S&P500 is flat YTD. I also managed a correct mid-year bearish call on the euro.

Check back later for The PolyCapitalist's 2012 predictions.

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