Tuesday, May 8

Young People CAN and ARE Making a Difference in Europe

Getting more young people (and women) into positions of political power is a good thing.

Alexis Tsipras, leader of Syriza

Whether you agree or disagree with the politics of 37-year old Alexis Tsipras, the leader of a leftist-Greek coalition which surprised in the weekend election, he has demonstrated that not every member of the next generation is politically impotent.

While this blog probably would not be characterized as far left-wing, we do celebrate seeing someone under-40 years of age achieving political success.

Bravo, Alexis!

1 comment:

  1. Alexis offers probably the only rational choice that country's citizens can really make given the 100-trillion$ Derivatives Casinos
    stranglehold on the Euro banks that Greek taxpayers are being asked to bail out!

    Germany and France benefitted enormously from the Euro union with their exports rising--at the expense of Ireland, Spain,Italy, Portugal and Greece!

    The real Piigs are the Wall Street and London Derivatives traders who, since 1994, have engineered, by financing Washington politicians' campaigns, the catastrophic global meltdown that threatens all of us! And they are allowed to get away with it UNREGULATED by government. Why then are citizens paying taxes?
